Meet our Team

We would love to meet you and to show you around our wonderful school. Please get in touch by calling Mrs Walsh, our school business manager, to arrange a visit.
Mrs Fox

Mrs Fox

Designated Safeguarding Ofiicer, EYFS teacher, English & PE Curriculum Lead

I’m Mrs Fox. I’m the Head Teacher and I joined our school team in April, 2022. I’m passionate about giving children an amazing and inspiring start in life. I spend my afternoons down in Early Years which is my passion. Outside of school I love being outdoors, taking my dogs for long walks and spending time with my family.

Miss Johnston

Early Years Teacher and Lead
Art and Design and Design Technology Curriculum lead
Hi, I’m Miss Johnston and I am one of the teachers in Early Years. Working with Nursery and Reception is always extremely fun and rewarding. I am very creative, and I enjoy leading Art and Design and Design and Technology. I am also a private tutor and babysitter. In my free time, I enjoy baking, shopping, and visiting the Lake District! I am on a mission to complete the 214 Wainwright fells.
Miss Johnston
Mrs Heslop

Mrs Heslop

Early Years Practitioner
Hello, my name is Mrs Heslop, and I am the Early Years practitioner. I really enjoy working with the nursery and reception children because every day is different, and we are always having so much fun. In my spare time, I like making memories with my two boys and taking my dog, Teddy, for long walks.

Miss Mitchinson

Class 1 Teacher
SENDCO, Science, Music & History Curriculum Lead

My name is Miss Mitchinson and I teach Year 1 and 2. I have been at Great Corby School since 2016 and previously taught Year 5 and 6.. I lead Science, History, Music, and I am our school SENCO and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. In my spare time, I enjoy curling up with a good book and I love to share book recommendations with the children in my class.

Miss Mitchinson - Class 3 Teacher
Mrs Richardson - Class 2 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Richardson

Class 1 Teaching Assistant & Reading teacher

Hello I’m Mrs Richardson. I have worked at Great Corby for eight years and have worked in both Early Years and KS1. I enjoy supporting the children on their learning journey and love to see them grow in confidence ready to join KS2.

Mrs Sanderson

Class 2 Teacher
Deputy Safeguarding Lead, English, Maths, Computing & Geography Curriculum Lead

My name is Mrs Sanderson and I teach Year 3 and 4 . I have been a teacher at Great Corby School since 2015 and previously taught in KS1. I lead English, Maths, Geography and Computing. I am the Senior Teacher and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. At the weekends, I enjoy baking and spending time with my children.

Mrs Sanderson - Class 1 Teacher
Mrs Billington

Mrs Coulthard

Class 2 Teaching Assistant

Emotional Support Literacy Assistant (ELSA)

Hello, I am Mrs Coulthard and I have worked at Great Corby School since 2015. In my role as a Teaching Assistant I am currently working in Year 3 and 4.  I  also work with children across all classes in the afternoons. I really enjoy being part of a small village school and engaging with children of all ages. I particularly like to see children taking part in activities outside of the classroom, such as our Forest School sessions, where their individual strengths and abilities often shine.

Mr Johnson

Class 3 Teacher

Hello, I'm Mr Johnson. I teach in Year 5 and 6 and I joined the Great Corby team in 2023. I'm thrilled to be teaching more locally having taught in the North-East for several years. Outside of school, I keep myself entertained by playing football, golf and tennis. I also love to go exploring in the lakes with my dogs whenever I get a spare moment.
Mr Johnson

Mrs Logue

Class 3 Teaching Assistant
I'm Mrs Logue and I am a teaching assistant in Class 3. I have worked with all ages at Great Corby School over the years that I have been here. Whilst I work in Class 3 every morning, I also run booster sessions and help to organise the PE competitions and festivals for the children of our school.

Ms Lichtblau

Class 3 Teaching Assistant & Reading teacher

Hello, I am Miss Lichtblau and I work in Class 2, Class 1 and as a lunchtime supervisor. I enjoy supporting our wonderful children and love having lunchtime chats with them. I feel very lucky to work in such a beautiful school. In my spare time I love to be out and about with my young, boisterous dog in the countryside.
Ms Lichtblau - Class 2 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Billington - PPA

Mrs Billington


Senior Mental Health Lead, RSHE, Religious Education & French Curriculum Lead

My name is Mrs Billington and I have worked at Great Corby School for the past 11 years. I love spending my time across all classes teaching music, French, RSHE, and Science. When I am not teaching, I love singing with the children in choir and leading the school council. At the weekends, I enjoy taking my dog for long walks and relaxing.

Sue Love

Breakfast & After School Club Leader
Sue – My name is Sue and I run the breakfast and afterschool club. I have worked at Great Corby School for as long as I can remember. I enjoy doing fun things with children after a busy day in school and try to make it as enjoyable as possible. At the weekends, I like reading and having family time.
Sue Love - Breakfast & After School Club Leader
Maria Del Carmen Lopez Perez

Maria Del Carmen Lopez Perez

OPAL Leader

Hi, my name Maria, and I am the leader to our OPAL lunchtimes and work alongside Miss Lichtblau.

Mrs Walsh

School Business Manager
Hello, I am Mrs Walsh the School Business Manager and have worked at Great Corby School since 2005. You will find me in the school office most of the time! Out of school, I relax with a good book, enjoy days out exploring the Lakes or travelling to Scotland to visit family and friends.
Sue Love - Breakfast & After School Club Leader