Kirsty Fox

Vicki Sanderson

Laura Mitchinson

Anne Summers
The Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership (CSCP) website contains all up to date information with regard to safeguarding and, in addition to the wealth of information, there is a dedicated 'Parent/Carer' zone full of information if there are concerns about a child.
If you ever have any concerns about the safety or well-being of a child in Cumberland then you can ring your concerns through to the 'Cumberland Safeguarding Hub' number and you can remain anonymous if you wish. Callers can outline their concerns and the Safeguarding Hub will give advice (consultation) and if necessary undertake an assessment of need:There is now also an adult NSPCC helpline where any concerned adult can seek advice if they are concerned about a child and would like advice on whether to make a referral.
The number to call is:Domestic violence is on the increase and causes terrible harm to victims and the associated children.
It is everyone's responsibility to ensure it is eradicated.
As a consequence the school will be working closely with the Police as part of 'Operation Encompass' where details of domestic violence incidents will be shared with the school and meetings will be held for family support and to signpost outside organisations who can help and support.
When children are witnesses to the incidents or the aftermath then it can seriously harm their mental well-being, indeed statistics show 3,081 children in Cumbria witnessed reported domestic violence last year.
This is even more shocking when research shows that incidents happen 35 times before the issue is reported to Police.
This is not acceptable, there should be no incidents and if it does occur it should be reported immediately, the school will support families with this.
Early Help
For more information regarding the Early Help process click on the links.